Saturday 7 January 2017

OUGD601 - Tutorial 5

This being the first real point of contact with my dissertation supervisor since before the Christmas break, I was excited to show him the development I had made with my practical response to the brief. Firstly He suggested there was no significant changes needed to the essay since amending the draft sent over christmas and suggested concluding my synthesis and mentioning the work of Bernays within this. 

With regard to the practical elements within the COP 3 Module, my tutor was impressed with the progress I had made over the Christmas break, the development of the Brand Identity is finished to an appropriate and contextual standard and works well to be reinforced throughout the extended brand collateral. With these finished elements including the pocket guide and flag being finished and produced it was suggested these work well to implement the effects of brand psychology within a practical context. With relation to the posters, still being in the developmental process, Tutors suggested the use of User Generated content works appropriate informed by specific research and utilised to engage a form of brand psychology however suggested implementing a new city image as this one that doesn't quite fit with the series, even though they all utilise different photography styles. He further stated the aesthetic should be simplified as the volume of shapes within the posters composition is distracting and creates a busy almost over complicated aesthetic that doesn't reinforce the ethos of the brands service. From this tutorial he suggested simplifying the poster design to ensure it is representative of the brand image, other than that felt everything was on track to be finished on time for hand in. 

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