Friday 6 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Pocket Guide - Content

With a Hot Dog Fold Identified for the form of the Pocket Guide it was identified that I didn't have enough pages to fill the available space within the content. Responding to this problem  I added a referrals section as this will allow a generate developed Brand Equity through this use of positive feedback from brand advocates with a shared knowledge as the target audience. 

In creating the content it was important to utilities the use of rhetoric within this communication as this collateral is a key way in which to assert the brands personality through the tone of voice portrayed through this content. The tone of voice is informal and colloquial yet has undertones of competence and inclusive using pronouns such as 'we' and 'at wander' to create a sense of community the reader can be part of which develops this sense of lifestyle brand equity by association. 

"The concept of wander was born as a result of Britains departure from the EU, which left us wondering how we would be able to explore Europe’s amazing adventures. Brexit’s expulsion of a Freedom of Movement imposes a new travel system that lets just face it is a nuisance. Wander removes the hassle applying for individual travel visas and does it all for you creating a community of smart travellers who would rather explore these amazing experiences stress free."

Our 4 step process couldn’t be simpler; 

Step 1: Choose where you want to explore first 

Step 2: Send us your dates, and details, we’ll do all the complicated stuff on your behalf  

Step 3:  Relax! We’ll have it all sorted within 3 working days 

Step 4: Enjoy travelling again with Wanders smart travel service 

At Wander were committed to data protection to ensure non of your info goes walkabout. With an Advanced Encryption System we feel pretty confident in being able to provide the best and most secure service possible utilising similar data protection systems as Apple and HSBC banking. 

You can read all about the ins and outs of these preventative measures at: 

Customer Service 
Joining this community of Wanderers allows you to access the 24/7 100% human customer support team. Any problems we’ve got you covered!  Decide to extend your adventure ? we can fast track applications to get you where you want to go within 36 hours. 

With this support team in place we can ensure you stress less & focus on the important bits; like enjoying these unforgettable experiences.

Kind words from some keen wanderers: 

“Booking a spontaneous adventure couldn’t have been simpler”

“Backpacking through Europe is achievable again, HELL YAH” 

“Wander is so convenient for me; working within a global market,
I can visit clients all over Europe with next to no hassle” 

Travel Diaries 
Find out how Wander enables some amazing travel experiences, We’ve teamed up with a great team of bloggers creating their own travel adventures thanks to Wanders smart travel service.

Watch the Wander Travel Diaries on the Wander Youtube channel or at: 

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