Wednesday 4 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Flag - Further Development

Experimenting with a range of interconnecting compositions I used initially used squares as placeholders to arrange these positions, however as part of this developmental process decided the squares worked well with the characters to create small bold designs that were reminiscent on mini individual flags. 

In introducing colour to this composition it reinforced these connotations of individual flags, this aesthetically symbolises a different country for each square representing the range of countries the brand can open up to its consumers, these being interconnected works with the concept of the logo to suggest a lack of boarders / hassle in travelling from one square to the next (representing travelling across countries). This directions works far more conceptually with the logo design creating consistency within the design concepts. Furthermore it can be suggested that the blank / missing spaces within this geometric arrangement represent the countries that haven't been travelled to yet, as in the adventure is not complete, this creates a sense of excitement in the user choosing their next destination.  

Placing all these elements into the framework of the flag worked more consistently with the bordered type complementing the geometric composition, and the use colour creating a vibrant, visually engaging object to promote this brand extension. Ensuring a uniform margin around all these elements creates symmetrical aesthetic and finishes the design direction to a high standard. This concept works significantly better both aesthetically and conceptually creating an informed resolution that is appropriate to the brands context.  

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