Thursday 12 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical - Brand Proposal Publication

Establishing continuity as such as large element of the brand proposal I felt it was appropriate to create a separate publication for hand in that succinctly embeds all of these brand extensions into one place, to clearly articulate these sense of continuity within this collateral. Extending this I also created a tracing paper insert to run through the publication to act as a visual synthesis as the project synthesis of 500 words didnt go into enough detail for the amoun of contextual synthesis embedded within these brand extensions. Testing a range of different scales (a4, and a5) I found a5 was most appropriate for the scale of this publication to create a succinct project overview that highlights the critical consistency and ongoing synthesis within this practical exploration.  The production values of the book could be improved as I have cropped it too close to the edge which is evident on the poster series page and the margins of the inserts could have been positioned more centrally however I can work of the improvement of these production values within the Extended Practice module. 

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