Wednesday 4 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Flag - Feedback

Evaluating the effectiveness of this design direction through further peer feedback lead to a range of critical and appropriate feedback.  Generalised agreement included that students liked the composition of type, the use of a paired down logo to create a consistent boarder effect, and the contrast between the black white and coloured elements within the design. Suggestions for improvement was that the individual shapes in this volume made the overall aesthetic very 'busy' and difficult to home in on through this inconsistent spacing between the shapes. 

Thinking critically regarding the concept of these shapes, it was identified this direction should be developed further as it doesn't work with the logo concept creating a lack of consistency. Within the brand identity the characters are all connected to symbolise a lack of boarders and fluidity of travel, whereas here all of the shapes are divided creating connotations of all separate 'islands' that is the opposite of the concept articulated within the brand identity. A re-worked interproeation of this would work far more appropriately creating a greater consistency between brand experiensions and strengthening the overall brand image to be succinct and uniform. 

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