Wednesday 4 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Flag - Inspiration

Referring back to my visual inspiration developed as part of my project research I identified a range of current aesthetics that will engage a millennial demographic and define the brand image and personality as exciting, creative and engaging to inspire the target audience to actively engage the brand through this captivating visual aesthetic that can be used to inspire initial design directions. 

Exploring visual aesthetics that will engage this millennial audience I explored visual trends due to their desire to be relevant, in staying connected to the evolving fashion, art, music, and politics of our time. From this I explored the use of geometric forms within advertising which links strongly to the aesthetic of the brands logo, and is popular within current visual culture. Exploring the future influences of graphic design I found articles stating 'In the long term, bright colors and abstract shapes will continue to excite audiences' which would work in the brands favour positioning itself as contemporary and futuristic. Finally a sense of refined simplicity has recently been favourable for a range of corporate design directions, with brands like master-card, Instagram, and Deliveroo. With these all being brand that millennials interact frequently with could provide a strong source of inspiration for directing a positive brand image through this association with other successful bands. 

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