Friday 6 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Pocket Guide - Aesthetic Development

The aesthetic was initially difficult to develop due to the simplicity and scale of the pocket guide, being produced at an A6 scale left little room for extravagant aesthetic detailing as the type filled the majority of each spread. To Begin this development I used the arrangement of characters from the logo fill the cover and began implementing text with accented titles each matched with a colour from the brands identified colour palette. 

A primary function of the hot dog fold was to utilise the available space therefore it felt inappropriate to leave the reverse side of the folded booklet blank. Working with this available space I created a small poster that can be unfolded from the pocket guide to suggest some of the experiences that the service can provide. This uses an aspirational tone of voice that empowers the audience to engage with these experiences enforcing an adventurous brand personality. The aesthetic of this reverse image feels contemporary within its composition, overlapping colour and shape with carefully positioned text in order to make the most of this space. 

Looking back on this initial design direction it appeared to busy with the use of coloured shapes and photography, to simplify this down I trailed duo-tone image however concluded greyscale worked appropriately in balancing the composition allowing the coloured characters to create a stronger visual dynamic for this reverse poster. The use of rhetoric 'join the wanderers' is almost reminiscent of propagandist techniques, creating a movement that inspires a sub-culture to be a part of which generates a strong equity and personality for the brand. 

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