Wednesday 15 April 2015

OUGD401 - Research - Artist Focus: Keith Haring

Having been inspired for a more optimistic concept behind my designs I wanted a fresh contemporary aesthetic to reflect this. I considered a number of contemporary techniques that would allow me to effectively articulate this however felt the most appropriate was Keith Haring's work. I felt Haring's work was particular appropriate due to his social activism around HIV and aids, His work aimed to change the publics perception through art and has become synonymous with visual language of the 20th century. 

I liked how his work was often heavily political and was used to inspire change by the people similarly to how I am trying to inspire change about peoples perceptions of the FOX news network. I feel if I used the quotes and a visually consistent style to Haring's work I could create an engaging campaign that would using a contemporary aesthetic to articulate my concept. 

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