Monday 27 April 2015

OUGD401 - Development; Colour

My initial development featured the prominent red white and blue colour scheme of the FOX news as well as adding subtle propagandist techniques to the aesthetic of the posters using flag waving, This would appeal to the audiences nationalism. I started to develop my designs further and felt the aesthetic wasn't quite right, trying to resolve this I experimented with tonal variations of the red white and blue before coming up with the idea to further subliminally reference fox news within my designs by pantone colour matching my designs with the fox news logo. 

I felt this would create further subliminal links between my posters and the FOX news network as well as softening the colour palette that was currently quite garish. I started by matching the colours to the fox news logo I found that the blue was 'Pantone 655C' and the red was 'Pantone 192C' I then planned to match my designs to these colours to see the colour treatment was more suitable. I liked how I have create a range of subtle links to the FOX news network without creating a 'witch hunt'. 

I sampled this new colour palette on the same design and presented these colour variations to a range of students. I didn't tell them I had colour matched from the Fox logo until they had given me their feedback. I found that most students told me they preferred the colour treatment that matched the FOX news colour scheme as they told me is was more subtle and softer on the eye yet still bold enough to stand out, one student said 'they complement each other better.' I agreed that the Pantoned colours work better creating a less garish aesthetic that is still bold and engaging and had subliminal links to the FOX news branding. 

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