Tuesday 21 April 2015

OUGD401 - Design Feedback

Having developed my revised design direction tailored to a more open minded and optimistic concept I wanted feedback to see if my tutor felt this direction would be successful in resolving the brief. My tutor liked the concept allowing the public to think for themselves as it established that they are smart enough to form their own conclusions and don't need to be spoon fed. He told me he understood the link to Keith Haring as I am trailing similar social activism however felt the quotes were too generic with no real connection to the essay. Looking back on these designs in retrospect I agree with him as without being informed of the context the posters could be for any cause. I think this would confuse the public rather than empower them. 

Based on this feedback I will look at ways to make my concept for specific and better target the audience,  I still want to keep the concept of allowing the public to speak for themselves though as I feel it is strong and would work well asking them to question things and arrive at their own conclusions. 

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