Monday 27 April 2015

OUGD401 - Development; Typography

I wanted to use appropriate typography throughout my practical resolution, As many students said my design direction had a very modernist aesthetic I considered using Helvetica as it fits this modernist aesthetic well and is clearly legible so would be easy for an audience to read quickly and at a distance. After further research I found that Fox News channel uses Century Gothic for its graphics, as some students failed to make the initial connection to fox news when placed as a series I thought I could strengthen this connection by including the same typeface they corporation uses to further subliminally reference the posters back to them. I think this typeface works well as it is still a strong simple sans-serif typeface that is clearly legible and links back the context of my outcome. 

I wanted to use a bolder typeface for my question at the bottom of each poster, I felt a heavier weight slab serif typeface would draw the eye of the audience and make the statement seem more important. I experimented with a range of slab serifs ultimately choosing Rockwell Bold. I think this type treatment is appropriate because it makes a bold presence within the design which is important as it is placed in the bottom corner that may have been overlooked by an audience if set in a lighter typeface. I think this works well in contrasting Century Gothic and stressing a sense of importance to the statement 'is this news? or hatred?'

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