Wednesday 6 April 2016

OUGD501 - Siegel+Gale Logo Study

I came across an interesting study from Siegel+Gale who act as an industry leading branding firm founded in 1969 in New York that has expanded with offices all over the world. Their ethos is 'simple is smart' which has specific relevance to this study. It talks about the different types of logos and how they can be best applied to match a the companies core values. Their findings highlighted how consumers react to different types of logos and what these connote.

This is particularly interesting and relevant to this project, it suggests that serif word marks are the most effective at connoting 'sophisticated' 'exclusive' and 'premium' brands highlighting a strong design direction to develop as part of my response to the brief as these are the connotations I wish to communicate through my identity for the brand. This further adds contextual refinement behind this particular treatment making it more likely to be successfully in a real world context.


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