Friday 22 April 2016

OUGD501 - Brand Guidelines

Creating a set of brand guidelines helps to create a sense of consistency across all elements of the brand. Presenting this continuity across it's products, adverting, promotion and other media helps to establish a strong reputation, creating brand authority that consumers can start to identify at a glance making the brand iconic of these features. 

The brand guidelines are also essential when working in a team to ensure every designer is fully aware of the design decisions and can produce works in keeping with the visual aesthetic of the brand to ensure this sense of consistency is transferred across each piece of design made for the brand. This is even more important with luxury brands as the attention to detail is much higher creating a luxury lifestyle brand that needs to create desirable and excluding connotations for the target audience which will resonate from strong identity created through the consistency from these guidelines. 

I created an introduction to the brands guidelines, I am critically aware that in industry these would be far more detailed, In the form of a multipage document highlighting every aspect of the brand to ensure a strong sense of continuity. For the purpose of the brief this overview poster demonstrates the basic structure of brand guidelines highlighting the most important aspects, it is intended to be used as a general overview poster placed on the wall for quick reference then if more detail was needed the designer would be directed to the full brand guideline document. 

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