Friday 22 April 2016

OUGD501 - Marketing Strategies

Having developed a strong brand identity I acknowledged the importance of brand positioning within the success of the brands implementation.  This positioning will allow the brand to target its specific audience and suggests its social class by its tone of voice, environment and retailers etc. For example a luxury brand would be sold in pound land or Tesco as the audience doesn't shop there. 

Tone of Voice: 
The tone of voice for the brand will be aspirational and elegant to reinforce to the luxury lifestyle the brand aims to promote. It will use a lot of first person rhetoric to speak directly to the individual suggesting if they buy the product they can have the lifestyle associated with the brand. 

The environment for the brand will be very selective to reinforce this luxurious quality, It will be featured in the mini-fridges of the top hotel chains and resorts such as Hilton, Sandy Lane, Park Hyatt and the four seasons to instantly create luxury connotations and make it synonymous with exotic destinations. To buy it will only be featured in the top department stores such as Harrods, Harvey Nichols and John Lewis as well as an direct mail order from the brands online shop. This creates a sense of exclusivity and associating it with these retailers making it so not everyone can pick up the bottle will create a buzz surrounding the brand and further position it towards this high end luxury lifestyle. 

As well as promotion posters and campaigns. The brand would endorse a high profile event to gain further exposure and link the product with elite celebrities. Wimbledon is a prime example of the type of event that would be the most effective, as it is celebrated as the pinnacle competition of its tennis, is associated with sport where water is commonplace and receives high profile coverage. Evian currently sponsor the VIP hospitality tent where the celebrities who attend the even congregate. This is seen as a super exclusive club which is the type of lifestyle the brand wants to promote. This is the sort of publicity the brand wants to be associated with gaining publicity from the graphics incorporated within the even and free bottles inside to act as celebrity endorsement which will then filter down to the aspirational status- orientated target audience who want to be seen in the same elite class as these celebrities transferring the connotations of the brand onto themselves. 

Brand Ambassadors: 
To further this publicity the brand will pick a range of brand ambassadors that have the connotations and lifestyle the product aims to promote, these will range from high profile celebrities featured in advertising such as Angelina Jolie who is associated with purity and elegance. Other forms of brand ambassadors will include social ambassadors with high profile bloggers such as Zoella who capture a large audience this will help the brand target a range of demographics that will promote the brand as cool and exciting as well as luxurious creating a social movement that respects the brand and its values. 

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