Monday 19 December 2016

OUGD601 - Practical / Campaign - Introduction

Defining a brand identity I can now start to develop the rest of the brief, the main element of this being the campaign, this will provide the most contextual synthesis in relating to the content of the essay to a practical context. From the my initial research into millennial marketing strategies it was established that the most effective way to target this demographic is through user generated content and social media influencers, as this creates a personal connection with the consumer and reinforces the authenticity of the brand. From this research it can be concluded a social media campaign is the most effective way to promote the brand to the target audience. 

The campaign creates "the wander travel diaries" which invites lifestyle bloggers that have strong influence with this millennial demographic on a sponsored trip where bloggers are flown to European destinations and asked to document their adventures. To the target demographic this appears to demonstrate how the brand can facilitate such aspirational experiences that they want to join in with so they can be perceived to have this amazing travel experience. When in reality this marketing strategy exploits the audience as the brand pays and organises this travel diary to turn bloggers into brand advocates and utilising their following to position the brand as social, aspirational, and engaging. 

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