Sunday 20 November 2016

OUGD601 - Tutorial 1

Having been assigned my dissertation supervisor (Ben), I had my first tutorial which gave opportunity to talk through my research proposal and talk directly about how I want to conduct this research. I took an initial dissertation proposal to the first tutorial, to more accurately articulate what areas of research I want to investigate as part of my COP3 project. My supervisor read over this and felt it would work well to create a systematic exploration of the subject matter. The first tutorial was really engaging in being able to talk through my project on a 1 on 1 level and gain feedback as to the best ways in which to approach individual research elements. 

Following the tutorial Ben typed up my tutorial notes and sent them out via email, this worked really well allowing me to focus on the conversation within the tutorial and worry less about scribing notes. In this he suggested areas of research that may be particularly useful to my project and gave a range of small deadlines to work towards, this worked particularly well in focusing me to break up the length of the module into smaller more achievable deadlines. 

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