Tuesday 9 December 2014

OUGD401 - Gathering Research Material

To mark the start of my research process I went to the library in order to find suitable sources to use for my research, these would make up a range of my Harvard references included within my essay.

Source 1 - Rhodes, A (1987). Propaganda, the art of persuasion: World War II. Hong Kong: Chelsea House Publishers . p137-177, p241-283.

Source 2 - Husband T. (2014). Propaganda: Truth and Lies in Wartime. United Kingdom: Arcturus Publishing Ltd. 

Source 3 - Aulich J. (2011). War Posters: Weapons of Mass Communication. United Kingdom: Thames & Hudson Ltd. 

I felt this was enough to give me some initial in depth reading in to the topic I Later plan to ask tutors for other relevant sources as well as gathering a range of online sources that provide useful information. 

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