Saturday, 7 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Poster - New Direction and Final Series

Informed through tutor feedback which suggested I should simplify the design of the posters aesthetic to more holistically represent the brand image in that the ethos of the brand focuses on simplicity and convenience, which was contrasted through the busy nature of the previous design direction. Focusing on this I reworked the design through further development deciding to utilise a single geometric shape within the rectangular composition of the flags aesthetic, Complementing this with the User Generated Imagery. Contextually this works more appropriately that the previous direction as using an singular square from the flags composition as these all connote individual flags symbolising the variety of countries one can travel to through the Wander Service, therefore with the posters using imagery from a singular destination it would be appropriate to use this singular character an as extension of this theory. 

Further development including generating a new image for the city poster as it was commented on as standing out, My housemate provided his own image of Berlin, which uses strong geometric forms which complement the brands identity and connotes a sense of  strength which can be used to symbolise the brands competence. Overlaying this with a square from the flags arrangements allows this implementation of photography and shape in a more cohesive manner that feels less separated. Finally the fluidity of the logo is colour matched to the shape present within the poster and complemented with a second colour from the brands palette to reinforce this fluid identity as discussed within the branding. 

Final Series: 

The Final series work much more appropriately utilising a single geometric form used to symbolise a flag creating a strong sense of continuity with the Tangible symbol of the movement. This creates a simplified aesthetic that creates a balanced resolution between the photography and vector images. This variety of colour and photography style within the series ensures each poster is unique and has its own personality representing the different motivations to travel and is not a carbon copy of one another. This series is effective in promoting the brand through a print lead marketing strategy to complement the brands digital marketing and is successful in implementing facets of brand psychology within its design direction. 

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