Saturday, 7 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Poster - Feedback

Asking a sample of students for feedback as to which coconut would be the most appropriate to develop into a final direction and thus extend into a series was particularly relevant as these students double up to make part of my target audience, being from a millennial demographic. 

Concept 1: The sample liked the use of imagery within this design with comments including 'its edgy and appealing to us as art students but I don't know if it would engage with a mass market', it was further suggested the use of rhetoric within this poster would be effective in creating synthesis with my dissertation. 

Concept 2: Students didn't react positively to this design at all stating it was too complicated and didn't create connotations of travel, this was the least well received direction. 

Concept 3: This concept received the most positive feedback with students commenting on the "strong associative links with the flag" that works well in creating continuity between these pieces of collateral. It was also suggested the final design direction should definitely include the typed paragraph as it reinforces the brand personality within the image. 

Concept 4: This was praised for its contemporary aesthetic however similarly to the first design direction it was questioned as to whether this would be appropriate for a mass market. Furthermore it was commented that this aesthetic feels more editorial that poster design concluding diversity within this sample as a range of students showed support for the aesthetic. 

From the result of this feedback session it is concluded concept 3 will be developed further into the final design direction for the poster series due to its extension of the Brand Image creating a strong and appropriate sense of continuity between these branded campaign extensions.

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