Thursday, 5 January 2017

OUGD601 - Practical / Flag - Evaluation and Synthesis

The flag succeeds in creating an strong 'tangible symbol' of the 'wander' movement, this is informed through appropriate extended research that explores the broader connotations of flags such as within protests and a larger society, due to  their ability to visually communicate the characteristic of individual national identities. I initially experimented with different visual forms and developed this into an inter connecting arrangement that visually represents different flags that are generated from the characters used within the brands logo. Utilising colour derived from commonalities between flags within the EU further extends connotations of this direction connotations of individual flags, this aesthetically symbolises a different country for each square representing the range of countries the brand can open up to its consumers, these being interconnected creates consistency with the concept of the logo to suggest a lack of boarders / hassle in travelling from one square to the next (representing travelling between countries). Furthermore it can be suggested that the blank / missing spaces within this geometric arrangement represent the countries that haven't been travelled to yet, as in the adventure is not complete, this creates a sense of excitement in the consumer choosing their next destination.  

Identifying the flag as a means of protest, to voice the disapproval of leaving the EU, I felt it appropriate to include text within the design direction creating a statement that is powerful and politically charged. Brainstorming these quotes concluded 'A freedom to experience a new adventure' was chosen as the statement for the flag to bear. This statement is particularly effective as it is positive as opposed to negative in its connotation creating an optimistic brand personality and it covers all of the key ideologies the brand aims to represent using key buzz words of "freedom" suggesting consumer choice and liberty "experience" as identified from initial research the millennial desire to engage with experiences and "adventure" connoting excitement and exploration. In identifying a typeface it was established Harbour is as an appropriate choice due to the resurgence of black letter within pop culture which will engage with this millennial demographic. Further this typeface is attributed with a period in history providing cultural connotations giving it a sense of personality as opposed to a clean and clinical serif which would not as appropriately within this context. Applying these elements together into the final design saw these elements complement each other due to their geometric nature and use of consistent boarders to create a strong and visually engaging resolution. The flag is an appropriate tangible symbol due to the nature of the brief which ensures this resolution responds contextually to the deliverable, creating an outcome that is both aesthetically relevant to the target demographic and contextually appropriate to the practical context. 

This tangible symbol works appropriately in synthesising the theory discussed within the research essay and extending the contextual synthesis already obtained through the brands identity. The imagery created for the flag utilises the characters within the logo and repositions these within individual squares creating a vibrant and engaging composition that extends the brand image through the reinforcement of the the brands identity within the flags visual aesthetic. Furthermore this creative direction creates connotations of individual flags representing individual countries and their interconnected arrangement symbolises the lack of boarders within travel using the aesthetic of the brand image to reinforce the brands ethos and service. The use of rhetoric within the flag reinforces the brands liberal personality. Research identified 75% of 18-24 voted to remain in the EU, therefore positioning the brand as a 'remain' supporter generates brand equity through association of mutual interest. This also significantly develops the brand personality using the key ideologies of the concept including the buzz words 'Adventure' 'Experience' and 'Experience' within this statement to further engage with this target demographic creating an appropriate resolution both aesthetically and contextually that works with the identity to reinforce the synthesis of this practical exploration. 

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