It is important to understand the target demographics feelings towards the social issue, in order to creative reposition the brand to engage to this particular audience. I created a very simple questionnaire to ascertain whether the concept appeals to this audience and how to engage them with the brand more dynamically. The format of the questionnaire is short with 4 questions consisting of a range of qualitative and quantitive data samples. The participants are all within the millennial target audience with a sample size is 25 participants which will give a fair extrapolation for the generalisation of target audience views.
Question 1:
What are your main reasons for travelling / visiting other countries ?
The response to this varied along a common theme, the vast majority of the responses included a reference to culture or experiencing new things, secondarily to this came suggestions of adventure and sun followed by more individual responses such as relaxation, personal development, and bucket lists. This suggests the millennial audience travel most importantly for culture, experience and adventure and less for relaxation as it typically stereotyped with holidays. This can influence the rhetoric of my social media campaign and influence the brands personality to engage more effectively with the demographics primary travel motivations.
Question 2:
Do you think Brexit will effect the way in which we travel?
From this response it was established 92% of the sample felt the result of Brexit will effect the way in which we travel, most potently with reference to the freedom of movement. As an extension of this question, the questionnaire asked them to justify their responses. These justifications entered around financial issues stating it would be more expensive to travel within Europe, A new visa style process, and the complexity of this process were also highly mentioned with responses including "It will make it a longer process to visit Europe" and "it will become more expensive / more complicated". This beings to justify the concept of the brief with a strong percentage of the sample questioning this process that will come as a result of Brexit and the complications involved with this, supporting the concept of a third party taking care of this process for you.
Question 3:
Should we be entitled to a freedom of movement?
84% of the sample felt that we should be entitled to a freedom of movement however growing up in a generation where this has always been available, and travel has become increasingly more affordable within the past 40 years normalises this to the millennial generation who do not perceive this as a luxury but more as a natural right.
Question 4:
In a post Brexit society would you pay to be able to move freely within Europe?
I found 80% of the sample said they would pay for the ability to travel within Europe, again asking them to justify their responses in order to gain insight to this purchase motivation. The samples justification for this was largely consistent to not wanting to stop traveling / exploring new cultures and this would be the easiest system and the most convenient. Exploring these responses it is interesting that the sample look for the simplest solution that will be the most convenient even if it incurs charges. From the 20% of the sample that said no a proportion of the responses said no due the fact the felt this should be a right and felt they should not have to pay for this.
This questionnaire is extremely helpful in understanding the target audience's perspectives and purchase motivations so to implement them within the brands personality in order to exploit the consumer brand relationship however critically there are problems with its format. The sample size should have been larger to make it more representative of the target audience and allow for better generalisation. The questions could have been worded more strategically to ascertain more specific information relating to the brief however this provides a good overview of the millennial perspective on post Brexit travel that can be implemented within the brief. To summarise the data, it was established the sample of participants travel most commonly for culture, new experiences and adventure. 92% of the sample feel Brexit will effect the way in which we travel largely due to financial increases in travel and the introduction of a application system that they feel will be complex. 84% believe we should be entitled to move freely within Europe and 80% would pay for this ability, justifications for this entered around convenience and not willing to stop traveling. This provides relevant insight to the target audience's purchase motivations and will inform the concept and design direction of the brief.
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