Wednesday, 21 December 2016

OUGD601 - Practical / Campaign - Objectives and Extensions

Below highlights the main campaign objectives, demonstrating the main preseasons behind the campaign and what it hopes to generate for the brand. This demonstrates the exploitation of the consumer in utilising this social influencer theory to present the brand as authentic and engaging when in reality the campaign has been carefully constructed to manipulate this audience response and condition a positive consumer brand relationship. 


  • Primary Objectives - To generate significant brand awareness by targeting a millennial demographic via popular lifestyle bloggers identified by the target audience. 
  • Secondary Objective(s) - Leverage this blog traffic to generate a strong brand equity that can be converted into brand loyalty through the use of brand advocates. 

  • Create rich user generated content for the campaign ‘The Wander Travel Diaries’ inviting well known lifestyle bloggers that have strong influence with this millennial demographic on a sponsored trip where they are flown to exotic European destinations to document their adventures. 
  • Share this aspirational content with their audience in order to generate a brand personality of authenticity and excitement. 
  • Generate opportunity for influencers to frequently but organically reference the brand generating a strong brand equity associating the trip with the brand. 
Results (expected): 

  • High levels of audience engagement generating significant brand awareness 
  • Converting blog traffic into brand loyalty through the brand equity associated with the campaign 
  • Articulating a brand personality of authenticity and culture through the campaign strategy to evoking a more personal consumer brand relationship 
Extending this initial campaign based on initial success would involve generating more brand advocates through this influencer marketing technique. Utilising bloggers with different audiences within the millennial demographic and tailoring travel experiences to that audience. For example this could be extended to engage a more male demographic using gaming bloggers such as Casey Neistat and tailoring a more adventure based holiday including adventure sports and high energy activities to engage a more stronger male demographic through this social influence. 

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