Tuesday, 13 December 2016

OUGD601 - Practical Research / Freedom of Movement

Freedom of movement or the right to travel is a concept that allows individuals to travel within the continent of Europe. It gives all citizens of EU countries the right to travel, live and work wherever they wish within the EU. Freedom of movement is one of the founding principles of the EU. It has been in operation since the creation of the European Economic Community and is primarily designed to support the economies of EU countries.

A 2016 referendum in which the UK chose to leave the EU, this effects the single market and a UK citizens ability to move freely within Europe. This practical project creates a conceptual idea of how UK citizens would be able to travel within Europe without this access to the EU's freedom of movement. This will be proposed as a third party corporation that applies for the appropriate visa's / documentation / applications to particular countries the consumer would like to visit. Taking information concluded from the target audience there is a market for this type of service as the busy lifestyles of a millennial audience would see them pay a third party to fulfil these services for them leaving them to enjoy their holiday  travel freely with no personal hassle. Further appealing to the target demographic as they have grown up in an age where travel has become exceedingly more affordable with cheap package holidays, resulting in this generation to be world traveled growing up and are used to the experience of travel, which they will want to continue. 

A large majority of the Brexit referendum was entered around this freedom of movement as it is now considered a human right, that is not considered luxury or privileged. This will appeal to the target demographics social and ethical awareness wanting to support the liberal cause of a freedom to travel within Europe and further appeals to the millennial characteristics of independence and globally connected. 

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