Thursday, 21 April 2016

OUGD501 - Production

The production method for producing my final resolution was one of the most complex undertaken in any university brief thus far as it required a range of different processes to create the final outcome. This challenged my time management skills as I had to make multiple different booking with different departments to ensure that all the components would come together in time for submission. Sourcing the bottles from china was one of the more difficult aspects as it gave a 2-3week delivery period which was difficult to try an book resources around. 

I started by cutting the elements of my design from vinyl using the vinyl cutter this ensured a greater deal of accuracy when dealing with type. From this I then had to remove all the elements I wanted to be etched into the glass using the sandblasting technique from the vinyl effectively creating a covering of all the parts I wanted to remain clear. I then transferred this to to the glass ready to be sandblasted. 

The vinyl created a covering to protect the parts of the glass I didn't want to be coated which worked extremely well proving a highly professional finish especially with the small elements of type, when uncovered this created a brushed glass with a high degree of accuracy that was of a professional quality. I was extremely happy with the resolution and felt it rivalled professional standard prototypes. The production values of the product elevate its quality and suggest the luxury connotations I am promoting with the brand. This luxury packaging I touched on in my essays creates a greater desire for the product making it feasible to charge a higher price point for what could be the same quality water as that found in a significantly cheaper brand that uses cheap plastic packaging. 

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