What were your initial aims?
My research question explored within my essay was ‘What is the role of the ‘self’ within the consumer-brand relationship?’ I wanted my practical to act as an extension into this consumer brand relationship and how the role of self and society effect this.
What processes/Strategies have you used and why?
Looking at different brand strategies identifying the luxury aim of the product mean it needs to appeal more to a lifestyle become a status symbol focusing less on its origins and actual product benefits and more about selling a particular lifestyle to the consumer.
What literature have you read that informs this work?
Insight from the below titles/jounals helped inform my understanding of how brands target individuals in order to sell their products for more than their material values.
Wolff Olins on brand
Aaker, J. Dimensions of Brand Personality
Belk, R. Possessions and the Extended Self
Is the work effective? (in terms of your aims) In what ways?
The progress with the practical is effective so far the witty and contextual name will appeal to my key demographic and holds a strong concept. Basing the brand around Austria adds luxury foreign connotations with the reputation of vienna working in the products favour.
Does it communicate what it should do?
The progress of development suggests it will commutate the desired aims creating a new brand of water that transients its material values to create a status symbol that represents a high quality lifestyle. This elevates the consumer brand relationship creating greater product desire/loyalty based on no substantial improvements in quality to regular water.
What are the successful elements ?
I think the concept behind the campaign is the strongest element of the project creating a contextual understanding of the research topic and practically applying it to a marketplace with real life feasibility.
What areas need improving or developing?
Areas for improvement I have identified included developing the aesthetic to appeal to this demographic, This product will be unashamedly vain producing form over function in regards to its packaging design and promotion that will articulate this high quality lifestyle to the consumer suggesting how they will fit in and feel superior if they buy the brand over its lower priced competitors.
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