To gain a range of high quality feedback based on my initial experimentation I chose my two strongest concepts and prepared a range of questions for students to critique my work, this would inform further development and help to conclude which design treatment to develop into my final resolution. I created the below image which highlights the concept of my practical, the different design treatments and mock ups of how these translate onto the physical bottle. Below highlights specific examples of feedback I found particularly useful for development.
1/ Which of these design treatments looks the most expensive/ luxurious ? HOW?
'Design 1 - looks nicer, the idea that the logo wraps around works better'
'1- bolder/ contemporary / looks more important due to elongated type'
'2 - They would both stand out significantly, however design two holds more of a minimalist approach in the way that you've have use of the space around the bottle itself'
'2 - smaller and more minimal logo looks more luxurious and its aimed at a more specific audience'
2/ Do you think I should incorporate colour into the design ? if so what colours and where ?
'no - the grey creates a sophisticated look and is more suggestive of a high priced market, if colour was introduced I feel it could lose the higher end look and become child like'
'no - adding colour would take away from its elegance, the way it is now has potential to stand out amongst others.'
'The grey looks very sophisticated however if you wanted to add colour to the brand you could add small red details to design 1 (representative of Austrian flag)'
What could go on the lid ? Do you feel the brand needs an icon as well as logotype ?
'maybe deboss logo onto the lid - subtle and would provide it with something extra because of the minimalist design.'
'the "o" featured in design 2? could experiment with the size'
'Metal lid with engraving - maybe outline of the 'R' - coloured metal lids could look cool too'
Tutor Feedback
Asking for extended feedback from tutors, they liked the current design directions including the high quality bottle mock ups. They suggested the use of type in design 1 was more appropriate to the bottle itself reflecting the tall and thin structure of the product whereas the type in design 2 although was bold and distinct didn't work as well on the physical bottle. It was also suggested I alter the structure of the type to create custom logotype that would become unique and identifiable of the brand. This would also added further commercial benefits as custom logotype would avoid paying royalties to the type foundry of the default typeface and would reduce the risk of the logo being copied.
I also asked how I could extend the practical project to create a more extensive body of work however when discussing my actual question and how it related to the 'self' we established that the physical bottle was the most important element of my practical exploration focusing on the relationship between the consumer and the brand through the product. Based on this It was suggested this should be the full focus of my project and could be extended by looking into the brand guidelines and logo development.
Feedback analysis
This feedback was very helpful in identifying the most appropriate design direction to develop. Although the responses were fairly balanced between designs the concept behind the practical project is to promote the brand over the product therefore the smaller minimal logo used in design two would be less effective in promoting the brand whereas in design 1 the logo is visible from every angle making it more high impact and easier to see, and be associated with, this was further reinforced through the tutors feedback.
I agree with the conclusion that colour wouldn't be effective within this design treatment however I liked the contextualised suggestion of red accents to reflect the Austrian origins of the brand. I am still unsure of what to put on the lid and will need further development but will take on board suggestions such as engraving and de-bossings to extend the minimal aesthetic of the bottle.
I am happy with the suggestions from tutors of how to extend my practical project placing my focus on the band itself and its extension onto the product. Looking at brand guidelines and a physical product will help extent my concept into a refined practical project that takes contextual inspiration from my research essay.
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