Monday 15 February 2016

OUGD501 - Study Task 3: Establishing A Research Question

Suggested Research Question.
This can be a topic or theme, but please try to be as precise as possible.

How does psychology affect the success of branding, looking specifically at the concept of the ‘self’

Which Of The Module Resources Does This Question Relate To?
You can find these on eStudio - Try to list at least three.

Which Academic Sources Are Available On The Topic?
Include a Harvard Referenced bibliography of at least 5 sources.

Aaker, Jennifer Lynn. "Dimensions Of Brand Personality". SSRN Electronic Journal XXXIV (1997): 347,356. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.

Bradley, Bruce. Brand Laddering. 2011. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.
available at:

Fournier, Susan. "Consumers And Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory In Consumer Research". Journal of Consumer Research 24.4 (1998): 343-353. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.

Haugtvedt, Curtis P, Paul Herr, and Frank R Kardes. Handbook Of Consumer Psychology. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008. Print.

Symons, Cynthia S. and Johnson, Blair T., "The Self-Reference Effect in Memory: A Meta-Analysis" (1997). CHIP Documents. Paper 9.

How Could The Research Question Be Investigated Through Practice?
What Graphic Design would you make in response to this, and why?

Create a brand that adopts some of the psychological theories discovered through the exploration of the topic and development of a piece of academic writing.

Peer Feedback – How could this topic be refined / developed?
Show this form to a fellow student. They should record their feedback in the box below

Look at specific theorists eg freud

Maybe use a case study of a particular brand that does this well

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