Monday, 19 October 2015

OUGD501 - Study Task 2: Parody and Pastiche

My understanding from the texts is that parody is a derivative term used to describe a satirical representation of a past text whereas Pastiche is an appreciation  of a past work taking elements from this text creating a contemporary emulation creating a celebratory reference to the past. 

Hutcheon seems celebratory of parody string it reinstates a forgotten dialogue with the past that is eager to reingge with a  public form 'in using parody in the way, postmodernist forms want to work towards a public discourse that would overtly eschew modernist aestheticism and hermeticism and their attendant political self-migration' this reveals her anti-capitalistic views stating parody can be used to rejuvenate past ideas that could help to unhinge a capitalist society. 

Jameson however speaks from a marxist point of view and is critical about these forms, he states 'pastiche is like parody, the imitation of a particular or unique, idiosyncratic style, the wearing of  linguistic mask, speech in a dead language. But it is a neutral practise of such mimicry, without any of parody's ulterior motives'...'Pastiche is thus blank parody' this highlights Jamesons tone of voice with his comment 'speech in a dead language' demonstrating his marxist views that soviet should follow this new principal.

Examples of parody and pastiche can be related to graphic design with notable examples including Stranger & Stranger a company that uses pastiche of past styles to create an engaging aesthetic suitable for the products. The decadently decorated bottle designs emulate the past in a respectful tone providing a sense of resurgence that embodies these principles. 

Hutcheon, L (1989). The Politics of Postmodernism. London: Routledge. p179-p183.

Jameson, F (1991). Postmodernism, or, The Culture Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham: North Carolina: Duke University Press . p16-p25.

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