Friday, 10 April 2015

OUGD401 - Critique

For the final critique we were told to prepare 3 questions about our work that we would like specific feedback on. I started my introducing my concept to the group and stated that for my practical project I wanted to create a range of propaganda posters to articulate how fox news forces its Islamophobic ideologies on the people of American similarly to propagandist techniques of WW2 were used yet this is socially acceptable whereas we not see the examples of war propaganda as racist. 

I explained my concept and showed my initial ideas and asked; Do you think I should use a visually consistent aesthetic to WW2 propaganda posters or create a contemporary update? 

There was arguments for both with students saying I should update the aesthetic to make it relevant to a contemporary audience and this will raise awareness. whereas others suggested I should use a style consistent with WW2 posters as it will create direct links to the similarities between the message, this old style could also be used to articulate a satirical unattractive. Through further discussion I ultimately decided that this WW2 style has been overused and adapted too much for comical and social reasons which mean it is now less effective at communicating the message. 

I then asked if the group thought I should keep the same message throughout or vary it? 

Again I found there were multiple responses to this with people saying one singular message would be more effective if repeated over a range of collateral. However other students felt a varying message on the same topic would make the campaign more engaging and interesting. I liked this idea of providing different messages with one unified theme to ensure the designs are consistent yet work individually creating an engaging campaign. 

Finally I asked about which production method students feel I should use? 

They suggested this was dependant on the style I wanted for example if I used an aesthetic content with WW2 propaganda, screen print would be appropriate as it is cheap to reproduce and would be consistent with the world war 2 style. However if using a contemporary aesthetic digitally printing the resolution would be appropriate as it is taking advantage of modern day technologies similarly to how  I am incorporating modern day aesthetic into the design. 

We then discussed the concept in general, my tutor felt there was potential within the concept however advised me to consider it from a more positive perspective as currently I am demonising FOX like they are demonising islam showing no real morality as I am effectively sinking to their level. He suggested I look at it more optimistically by presenting the scenario and asking the public to decide for themselves if FOX new uses racial propaganda. I liked this concept as it felt more sophisticated and engaging to an audience if they are given the opportunity to think for themselves. 

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