Tuesday, 3 March 2015

OUGD401 - Practical Project Introduction

Having submitted the first draft of my research essay I was then briefed about the practical element of the module. I was firstly asked to consider the techniques I could implement within the practical body of work, the content of this work and what I would like to communicate within my practical body of work. 

Technique; I am strongly considering screen printing my resolutions because they are bold and cheap to produce, this replicates processes relating to the content as propaganda and protests typically screen print graphics due to its cheap production cost. I will include key techniques of propaganda within my practical body of work, this includes loaded, emotive language which I could also look at using to imply sloganeering, I will also consider the use of rhetoric and persuasive language to replicate techniques used throughout the war. I will use a bold colour palette that is eye-catching and conveys the mood of the piece.  Will avoid the use of photography as this is inappropriate in trying to re-create propaganda in a similar style to that used thought out the period of world war 2. 

Content; I will consider the content of my research project carefully for example I will likely use illustrations packed with semiotics, connotations and representations that I will attempt to subtly imbed within the designs. I will use the an approbate range of semiotics to convey a specifically intended message this will replicate examples of WW2 propaganda I have analysed through my research essay. I will experiment with the finish of my designs for example I will experiment with a professional and well designed finished with high quality stock and good quality prints I will then compare this to a handmade finish using cheaper stock and looking at other printing methods more typical of WW2 for example screen printing. 

Communication; I will have to have established a clear message that I want to communicate before I start designing as I will need to include relevant semiotics and embed these within my designs in order to connote these messages I am attempting to communicate. I will carefully select the colour scheme to suggest a particular mood and evoke this to an audience. I will use the illustrations to affect the audiences response to my designs through specific propagandist features this will enable me to communicate a pre-determined message to adhere to my intended ideologies, similarly to how governments used these technique during the war. 

I was then asked to consider how I would go about planning for my practical body of work, I was asked to consider what research would need to be undertaken, I would then need to analyse aspects of this before exploring and testing this research forming a range of designs which I would evaluate against my hypothesis to ensure my outcomes are relevant and appropriate resolutions to the brief. 

Research; I will research a range of governments and news corporations to see if the way they promote their views adheres to propagandist techniques identified in my research essay and how these views are subjective (with reference to specific theorists). I will research more of Noam Chomsky's works to inform my content and will analyse relevant graphic designers such as David Gentleman whose contemporary works on the Iraq war may influence my designs.

Analysis; I will identify a range of propaganda techniques that I applied to my research essay and see if these techniques can be applied to how any modern corporations promote their views.  I will attempt to identify if any of Gentleman's works conform to examples of traditional propaganda with the intention of extrapolating a range of genetic conventions that I can then reference when designing. 

Exploration; I will explore a range of delivery methods for example, posters, placards and social media, I will then explore the appropriate materials I can use to produce my outcomes these include screen printing, cost and thickness of different stocks, explore if limited colour is more successful and determine if photography is relevant within propaganda. The aim of my outcomes is to be bold and easily understood so my exploration should reflect this. 

Testing; For the texting of my ideas will trial a range of paper stocks including coated and un-coated paper, I will experiment with my colour-pallette for example identifying if a limited colour palette is more successful in articulating the message effectively. I will also trial a range of delivery methods identified within my exploration and ultimately conduct a range of primary research to determine which is the most successful in relation to a range of public responses. 

Evaluate; I will evaluate these designs based on a sizeable criteria, including; how appropriate my resolutions are to the context, if the delivery method is appropriate, how well the general public and target audience react to my resolutions, If my designs are relevant to the topic and if my outcomes are consistent with other forms of propaganda. 

I now feel confident in formulating a structured plan based on this initial introduction to the practical project. I think I have made a good start in indenting a range of questions that I will aim to answer through intensive research, experimentation and analysis. 

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