Tuesday 17 February 2015

OUGD401 - Interim Submission

I was given my first interim submission for my research essay. I was advised to have a large body of work completed to turn in to receive the best feedback before the final deadline, this would ensure I was on the right track with producing my essay and would allow tutors to suggest improvements to make my research essay as strong as it can possibly be. 

I created a full first draft of my essay for the Interim submission deadline on the 10th February this consisted of a critically written 2,800 word essay, this meets the criteria for the final submission however I still need to compile by final bibliography even which will be relatively easy as I have referenced my sources in text throughout my essay. I turned my first draft into the 'turn it in' software before the deadline to ensure the tutors received my draft. I am looking forward to getting feedback on my first draft and making the suggested changed to strengthen my essay as this will inform the practical body of graphic design that accompanies the research essay. I have found the topic of my essay interesting throughout and feel I have learnt a significant amount about how graphic design can be used to influence a large audience.

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