Friday, 7 October 2016

OUGD601 - First thoughts

With a basic understanding of a range of ideas I could investigate within my research project, I needed to refine my focus to create a more specific research topic that would create a revised and concise focus for my dissertation. My primary research focus is: what is the relationship between a brands image and it's relationship with it's core consumer. This topic engages the critical questioning of consumerism and how aesthetic affects consumer perceptions/ influence. The secondary focus of my research project is to explore the cycle of exploitation within consumerism. How do brands exploit consumers creating false ideologies and a need for products or services, equally how consumers exploit brands for their own personal gain to create false images of success, wealth and status. 

Following this I wrote down my first thoughts relating to these topics again as a means of physically articulating my thoughts onto paper, this would later help to organise my ideas and begin to identify how to engage with the topic and begin research and reading. 

From these first thoughts I was tasked to create a starting point for my working title, based on these first thoughts I identified a title of 'To what extent does brand image inform a consumer brand relationship' as I felt this question summarises my thought processes and enquiries to date, this will inertly question the function of logos and branding within consumerism and question to what effect this has on consumers and their relationship with brands both physically and psychologically. 

Identifying why this question is important helps to solidify the purpose of the research and ensure the question is focused and approbate to my practice and also a dissertation. I believe this question is important because it identifies the impact brand image has on consumerism and how this can be manipulated to create a relationship with the consumer, directly influencing my branding as a developing identity designer.

OUGD601 - Initial Exploration / What I'm investigating

In this initial stage of exploration it was suggested to compile a list of everything one could possibly investigate within the scope of the personal research project, Shifting my focus slightly from the initial project proposal, I chose to exploring branding and its links with the consumer, creating an extensive list of potential topics to explore and beginning to question elements I would explore within this. I found this a useful task to get my ideas down on physical paper, this allowed me to more objectively decide how to prioritise these ideas and being to asses a sort of hierarchy and understand what the most important aspects of the project will be. 

OUGD601 - COP Proposal Feedback


‘Based on your chosen question you have focussed on the specific aspect on logo design which is a positive start to the project. The question that you pose about the role of the logo today is very interesting but difficult question. You should consider carefully how you intend to answer this question. You will also need to consider carefully how logos relate to branding in general and what branding strategies impact on logo presentation.’


I felt optimistic based on the tutor feedback to my dissertation proposal baring in mind this was only a loose starting point in my level 6 investigation. This initial question is relevant within contemporary graphic design and will personally engage me throughout the course of the module. Concerns raised from this feedback is whether there will be enough subject matter to create an extended body of academic writing, my conclusion from this feedback is to look for areas within this topic that could incorporate 'what is the function of a logo' within a chapter of the project then expand on this to explore how this works in conjunction with branding as a whole and this relationship with the consumer. 

OUGD601 - Module Briefing

Module Aims:
  • To define an individual analytical and evaluative research interest within the study of art and design contexts.
  • To develop skills in appropriate written and practical research and evaluative formats that reflect an understanding commensurate with BA (Hons) Level 6 academic practices.
  • To employ a synthesised understanding of theoretical and practical contexts of individual creative practices and concerns.
  • To adequately prepare learners for the theoretical and practical research demands of postgraduate study.
There was initial reservation surrounding the OUGD601 module with the stereotyped  preconceptions of a dissertation, Through the module briefing it was established many of these skills have already been established in level 4 and 5 of the programme and just needed refining and expanding on with a greater sense of academic and critical engagement. This eased any potential anxiety towards the module and opened up the thought of enjoying the process of critical exploration of a topic to enhance my current practice. 

Research plan: 
Begin to develop a better understanding of my subject, documenting an exploration of sub topics and ideas that can be explored within the dissertation. Following this I can refine these ideas and begin to identify a working title, furthermore I will explore seminal texts and identify sources that will aid the progression of my understanding before writing can commence.